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Wells Fargo Donates $2,500 to support MMC Safe Housing
Wells Fargo generously donated $2,500 to Marjaree Mason Center in support of our 120-bed Safe House facility, in Fresno, California. By supporting Marjaree Mason Center, Wells Fargo addresses the need to assist victims of domestic violence, a social problem and national health concern that significantly affects individuals and our community.
You're Invited! Join us for Marjaree's 75th Birthday Celebration!
In honor of Marjaree’s life and legacy we invite you to attend a night on Bourbon Street at Marjaree’s Mardi Gras Birthday Soirée. The event will be held at Tornino’s Banquet in Fresno on Saturday, March 18th, 2017 at 6:00 p.m and it will include an appetizing sit-down dinner, cocktails, live and silent auctions, dancing and live music by the Valley Cats Band. This year is extra special because it marks the celebration of what would have been Marjaree’s 75th birthday.
Pacific Service Credit Union Brings Holiday Joy to Families with Pajamas and Teddy Bears
Christmas is a special time of the year for families. Most spend time decorating a Christmas tree, baking sweet treats, visiting relatives and unwrapping gifts. Yet, for survivors of domestic violence the holidays can be difficult emotionally and financially. Often, our Safe House families come to MMC with nothing more than the clothes on their back. At MMC, we strive to make this time of year extra special, considering the circumstances, for every family staying in our Safe House. With support from businesses like Pacific Service Credit Union, those we serve are staying warm and cozy this holiday season.
Celebrate #GivingTuesday with MMC on November 29, 2016
#GivingTuesday has become a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. For the past five years, #GivingTuesday has been celebrated on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (in the U.S). It kicks off the season of charitable giving and has become a movement that supports philanthropy and connects diverse groups of individuals, communities and organizations for a common purpose – to celebrate and encourage giving.