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You're Invited! Join us for Marjaree's 75th Birthday Celebration!

In honor of Marjaree’s life and legacy we invite you to attend a night on Bourbon Street at Marjaree’s Mardi Gras Birthday Soirée. The event will be held at Tornino’s Banquet in Fresno on Saturday, March 18th, 2017 at 6:00 p.m and it will include an appetizing sit-down dinner, cocktails, live and silent auctions, dancing and live music by the Valley Cats Band. This year is extra special because it marks the celebration of what would have been Marjaree’s 75th birthday.
Marjaree was tragically killed by her former boyfriend in 1978. It’s because of her story that we continue to provide a safe haven for victims of domestic violence. All proceeds from the event will support services that our center provides such as safe housing, counseling, and legal assistance. There are many opportunities for individuals and businesses to support the event, from sponsorships to donating auction items or just buying a table or tickets to join the fun!
If you are interested in donating an item for the auction or sponsoring this event, please call our administration office at 559 233-4706. This is an event you won’t want to miss out on! We are expecting 400 people to attend and it will likely sell out, so make sure to get your tickets quickly. Tickets are available for purchase now. We hope to see you there!