Stay Informed
Creating a community free of domestic violence requires continual information sharing and dialogue. Stay connected with us through the information resources on this page and – please – share what you learn.
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Safety Planning

Safety planning can be challenging, but we hope this list helps guide you through this stressful and life-changing time. Remember, we are here for you 💜 Please never risk your safety or your children’s by trying to gather items in an unsafe environment. If you ever feel you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1.
Helping a Victim of Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse can often be more difficult to recognize. This is often due to the idea that victims believe that they do not want help, do not deserve help, or could be fearful that attempts for help could cause greater danger for themselves and their loved ones. It is also common for victims to be unaware that they need help. If you suspect that someone you love is experiencing emotional abuse, it is essential to help them develop an awareness of what is happening.
LGBTQ and Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence has no boundaries. It crosses all racial, ethnic, economic, and social lines including sexual orientation. Studies show that the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Questioning, and more) community experiences domestic violence just as much as heterosexual populations.