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Helping a Victim of Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse can often be more difficult to recognize. This is often due to the idea that victims believe that they do not want help, do not deserve help, or could be fearful that attempts for help could cause greater danger for themselves and their loved ones.
It is also common for victims to be unaware that they need help. If you suspect that someone you love is experiencing emotional abuse, it is essential to help them develop an awareness of what is happening.
When it has become evident that there is emotional abuse, someone close to the victim should establish trust and speak to them about the reality and severity of their situation. There may be no physical marks; however, the results are just as cruel and oppressive. Emotional abuse victims vary in regards to their thoughts about their abuser, their self-image, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and whether or not they believe that they need to leave their abuser. With this in mind, family or friends should be aware of the victim’s feelings and point of view before trying to help. It may take courage for the victim to accept help, as well as from those who are trying to help, but the only way that the abuse can end is by someone speaking up and offering support.
Marjaree Mason Center offers a 12 week domestic violence education course, S.A.F.E. Group that serves to inform victims and community members about the dynamics of a relationship involving domestic violence.
In the event of an emergency, or if you or someone you love is experiencing any form of emotional abuse or domestic violence, call Marjaree Mason Center’s 24 hour confidential hotline at 559.233.HELP (4357).