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Abusive relationships don’t always leave bruises...

Abusive relationships don’t always leave bruises...

Understanding the Cycle of Domestic Violence

Acute Explosion
- Batterer
- Hitting
- Choking
- Humiliating
- Imprisonment
- Rape
- Using Weapons
- Verbal Abuse
- Destroys Property
- Victim
- Protects Self
- Police called
- Tries to calm batterer
- Tries to reason
- Fight back
- Leaves
- Batterer
- Promises to get help/Begs forgiveness
- Enlists Family’s Support
- Wants to make love
- Declares love
- Cries
- Victim
- Agrees to stay
- Returns or takes back batterer
- Attempts to stop legal preceedings
- Sets up counseling for batterer
- Feels happy/hopeful
Tension Buildling
- Batterer
- Moody
- Nitpicking
- Put-downs
- Yelling
- Drinking/Drugs
- Threatening
- Withdraws Affection
- Criticizes
- Sullen
- Victim
- Nurturing
- Stays away from family & friends
- Keeps children quiet
- Agrees
- Tries to reason
- Cooks partner’s favorite dinner
- Feeling of walking on eggshells
- Attempts to soothe partner
What sustains the cycle of violence?
- Learned behavior
- Economic dependence
- Low self esteem
- Keeping the family together
- Self blame
- Traditional value system
- Isolation
- Emotional dependence
- Promises to change