Partner With Us

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Explore this page to discover the many ways you can help us create a community free of domestic violence.

Understanding the need

In one year, Marjaree Mason Center served over 8,500 adults and children affected by domestic violence. The number of domestic violence incidences that go unreported is unknown.

While sheltering mothers and children in one of our three safe houses is just a portion of the support and services we provide victims of domestic violence, the Marjaree Mason Center is the only comprehensive domestic violence agency in the Central Valley where individuals and their children can safely and confidentially escape the horrors of an abusive relationship.

  • It costs $107.00 per day to house an individual at a Marjaree Mason Center Safe House.
  • It costs $321.00 per day to shelter a family at a MMC Safe House; an average family in crisis is a mother with 2 children who stays with us for 31 days.

As one of the largest domestic violence agencies in California, the Marjaree Mason Center has the ability to house nearly 200 adults and children each day, and unfortunately we’re constantly at capacity. These shelter expenses, along with the funds needed to operate the support services for these victims are endless, as domestic violence is an ongoing issue in our community of Fresno County.

We could not fulfill our mission without partners like you.

Cash and check donations are always welcome. The Marjaree Mason Center also receives much of it's financial support from private and public grants and family foundations. If you wish to learn more about how to establish such a relationship with Marjaree Mason Center, please contact MMC’s Director of Development at 559-487-1313.

Mail Donations to:
Marjaree Mason Center
1600 M Street Fresno, CA 93721

Many people, community groups, and businesses help victims of domestic violence by providing materials or a service. For more information on in-kind giving, visit our volunteer page or please call (559) 237-4706. for our latest needs.

The Marjaree Mason Center relies on the help of volunteers. We are grateful to all of our volunteers who have worked with us over the years and we continue to seek dedicated individuals to join our volunteer community.

Did you know that the holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year for our agency? The days that most people celebrate their blessings and give thanks with loved ones is a bittersweet day for those families affected by domestic violence. Each year, our community provides support and helps to bring holiday cheer to our client’s in need.

Some groups or businesses - large and small - hold events of their own to benefit victims of domestic violence. For example, annual toy drives, children's Christmas parties, wine tasting, golf tournaments and hosted parties - all to benefit the Marjaree Mason Center.

"To be empowered is to have dignity. And to have dignity is to be useful to society and to be recognized as making a contribution."
-Volunteerism, Empowerment, and Human Dignity
World Volunteer Web, 18 December 2007, by Robert Leigh
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