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Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Marjaree Mason Center!
We have a variety of volunteer opportunities available within our organization, and it is with the support of volunteers that we are able to efficiently run the agency and affect the climate of domestic violence within Fresno County! MMC volunteers, through their contribution of skills, experience, talents and passion, help to advance the Center’s mission to "support and empower adults and their children affected by domestic violence, while striving to prevent and end the cycle of abuse through education and advocacy."
Due to the nature of our agency, our volunteer application process is considerably involved and requires action on your part. The first step in becoming a volunteer is submitting a Volunteer Application. We invite you to review our list of volunteer opportunities; this should help you while you fill out your application.
We ask that all volunteers meet the following requirements:
- No history of domestic violence in the last two years
- No felony charges for violent crimes
- Volunteer for a minimum of 4 hours per week for six months, unless completing a one-time project or class
Additional volunteer requirements may include:
- Background Check
- Drug and TB Test
- 40 Hour Domestic Violence Training or 2 Hour Domestic Violence 101 Training
Please refer to our Volunteer Application for an updated list of available positions.
- A volunteer application must first be completed. Click here to download the volunteer application
- An interview with a manager is required following review of the application and resume
- If approved by a manager, you must successfully pass a Background Check (Live Scan), Drug Test and TB Test
- Upon successful completion, the volunteer will attend a volunteer orientation and participate in additional training required
- Volunteers working in Direct Service must complete the 40 Hour Domestic Violence Training
- Volunteers working in Indirect Service must complete the 2 Hour Domestic Violence 101 Training
Time Commitment
- A minimum of 100 hours throughout the entire semester
- Volunteers may be asked to work a variety of shifts including but not limited to: day, swing, and weekend shifts
- Volunteers, interns, and trainees must work a minimum of four (4) hours a week during a six month period
- The agency will reimburse the training ($100) fees for volunteers if their commitment is fulfilled
- The 40 Hour Domestic Violence Training does NOT count toward the hours required by MMC for internships
Note: The following volunteer opportunities all require 40 Hour Domestic Violence Training.
Outreach Assistant:
The Outreach Volunteer will acquire a well-rounded understanding of agency services as well as an understanding of the dynamics of domestic violence.
- Minimum of 4 hours weekly
- 3-4 placements, starting in June 2022
- Have your own car for transportation
- Valid driver’s license
- Outgoing and friendly personality
- Table at community events, resource fairs and cultural events
- Set up the outreach booth with MMC pamphlets, brochures and promo items
- Pack up the outreach booth at the end of the event
- Speak with community members regarding MMC services
Clinical Intern
- MFT practicum students only
- 15-20 clinical hours weekly
- Meet with their supervisor for one hour (60 minutes) each week
- 4-5 student placements, starting as early as May 2022
- Complete enrollment enrollment for crisis individuals/families who are staying within programming
- Must be comfortable working with individuals who have experienced trauma
- Facilitate individual/group counseling sessions
- Help develop one’s own clinical skills, such as: crisis management, DVI’s observations, etc.
- Learn to make appropriate community referrals for clients
- Learn to assess all clients through trauma-informed care
- Identify ethical and legal obligations
We offer our clients a wide variety of classes while they seek services at our center. If you have a special skill you'd love to teach, we'd love to hear from you! Some examples of classes include:
- Legal services
- Resume-building
- Language classes
- Bible study
If you are interested in putting on a one-time or ongoing class for our clients, contact the Volunteer Coordinator at (559) 487-1323 or jenniferL@mmcenter.org to discuss different opportunities available.
Group projects depend largely on the resources of the group volunteering and the current needs of the Marjaree Mason Center at the time. If your group is interested in volunteering with our agency, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at (559) 487-1323 or jenniferL@mmcenter.org. All group volunteer projects must be scheduled 3-4 weeks in advance. Some examples include:
- Donation/Wish List Drives
- Clean Up Projects
- Gardening
- Special Events
Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at (559) 487-1323 or jenniferL@mmcenter.org to sign up to volunteer at a special event.
What happens after I submit a Volunteer Application?
Our Volunteer Coordinator will contact you about your application, and create an account for you in our volunteer database, Apricot Social Solutions.
When is the next 40 Hour Domestic Violence Training? Where can I register for it?
There is no set date for the next 40 Hour Domestic Violence Training at this time. Please check back to this page for updates.
Does the Marjaree Mason Center offer internships?
Marjaree Mason Center internships are offered for students and members of the community looking to develop professional skills for working with individuals affected by domestic violence. All internships are unpaid, and are not guaranteed to lead to a paid position. The process for becoming an intern is the exact same as a volunteer, and is listed under "Volunteer Process" above. If interested in an MFT internship, please select that option on the volunteer application.
Can minors volunteer?
Because of the confidentiality laws the Marjaree Mason Center must be in compliance with, minors are only allowed to volunteer for special events. With the permission of the Volunteer Coordinator, minors are also allowed to organize collection drives and other off-site projects.
I have been court ordered to complete community service hours. Can I do that through the Marjaree Mason Center?
We do not accept volunteers who have court ordered community service hours to complete.
I have already been fingerprinted. Do I have to do it again?
Yes. When you have a Live Scan completed, there is a number generated that allows MMC to receive direct notification from the Department of Justice regarding arrest records.
I just had a TB test done. Can I provide those results instead of having another test?
TB test results will be accepted if the results are dated within six months of your first day of service.
How many hours do I need to volunteer?
Volunteers should expect to commit to at least 4 hours a week due to the intensive application and training process.
Can I volunteer longer than six months?
Yes. Volunteers may continue their service as long as they follow the rules and regulations.
Who do I contact if I have additional questions?
The Volunteer Coordinator can be reached at (559) 487-1323, or jenniferL@mmcenter.org