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So Much to be Thankful For
Thanksgiving is a time to reflect what we are thankful for and enjoy a wonderful holiday meal with the people we care about. But this is not the case for everyone. Celebrations like Thanksgiving can be considered luxuries for families experiencing domestic violence. Whether the home environment is not safe or not having the financial stability to purchase a meal, can make someone feel defeated in not being able to provide for their family. Fortunately, this will not be the case for some of our clients this year.
A Guide to MMC Holiday Giving
Did you know that during the holiday season Marjaree Mason Center will support over 400 families?
What is Financial Abuse?
Financial abuse is a form of domestic violence that is rarely discussed, yet is commonly present in abusive relationships. Financial abuse occurs when an abuser makes the victim become financially dependent on them. Financial abuse is a form of abuse because the abuser is using a form of power and control over their victim. This form of abuse creates barriers for victims and makes it difficult for them to leave an abusive relationship.
Local Businesses Encourage Employees to Give to MMC
Marjaree Mason Center was invited to take part in Kaiser Permanente’s Annual Community Giving Campaign on November 1st. Each year Kaiser Permanente (KP Fresno) hosts this event to encourage their physicians and employees to make an impact on their local community by donating to their preferred non-profit. Recently, Aetna and PG&E also held similar events to educate their employees about non-profits they can support and MMC was honored to attend both events.