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Celebrate #GivingTuesday with MMC on November 29, 2016

#GivingTuesday has become a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. For the past five years, #GivingTuesday has been celebrated on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (in the U.S). It kicks off the season of charitable giving and has become a movement that supports philanthropy and connects diverse groups of individuals, communities and organizations for a common purpose – to celebrate and encourage giving.
Did you know that last year over 700,000 people raised $116,000,000 in over 70 countries on #GivingTuesday? Imagine the impact that those donations made in communities all over the world. This year, on Tuesday, November 29th we invite you to participate in #GivingTuesday and support Fresno County’s only dedicated provider of domestic violence safe house and support services.
The Marjaree Mason Center welcomes adults and children affected by domestic violence to safely and confidentially escape the horrors of an abusive relationship. In addition to safe housing, we provide counseling, legal assistance and crisis services to victims and their children. Annually, Marjaree Mason Center provides services to more than 5,600 victims of domestic violence a year. More than 1,200 of these victims receive safe house services and on any given day our rooms are filled at full capacity. In order to keep our doors open and provide services to those in need, Marjaree Mason Center relies on generous donations from community members and organizations.
So we encourage you to participate in #GivingTuesday and make a donation to support Marjaree Mason Center. We accept tax deductible monetary donations in three easy ways:
- Make a credit card donation online at https://www.mmcenter.org/partner-with-us/donate
- Mail a check (made payable to Marjaree Mason Center) to:
Marjaree Mason Center
1600 M Street, Fresno, CA 93721
- Text “Give” to 559.512.7780
Thank you for your generous support and don’t forget to share this post on your social media pages with #GivingTuesday and #MarjareeMasonCenter. We appreciate your commitment to help end the cycle of abuse and envision a future where everyone can live in a community free of violence.