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Wells Fargo Donates $2,500 to support MMC Safe Housing

Wells Fargo generously donated $2,500 to Marjaree Mason Center in support of our 120-bed Safe House facility, in Fresno, California. By supporting Marjaree Mason Center, Wells Fargo addresses the need to assist victims of domestic violence, a social problem and national health concern that significantly affects individuals and our community.
According to the Center for Disease Control, every year 1.3 million women are physically abused in the United States. Marjaree Mason Center provides a variety of support services to adults and their children escaping abusive relationships in Fresno County including a 24/7 agency staffed crisis hotline, 24/7 crisis support, emergency safe housing, safety planning, food, clothing, and case management. Annually, Marjaree Mason Center provides safe housing to 1,176 victims. Safe housing is essential in helping victims leave an abusive relationship and move toward a life free of violence.
Marjaree Mason Center is honored to collaborate with Wells Fargo as it is one of the prominent corporate donors among U.S. companies, donating $281.3 million to 14,900 nonprofits in 2016. Wells Fargo has made a commitment to helping communities flourish and we thank them for including Marjaree Mason Center.
We appreciate all of the support we receive from private and public grants, foundations, and individuals as it positively influences the lives of those we serve. Please visit our website or contact MMC’s Director of Development and Communications, at (559) 237-4706 to learn how you can support Marjaree Mason Center and help end domestic violence in our community.