Stay Informed
Creating a community free of domestic violence requires continual information sharing and dialogue. Stay connected with us through the information resources on this page and – please – share what you learn.
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Holiday Cheer: Adopt a Family
For the past ten years the Marjaree Mason Center has connected deserving men, women and children, affected by domestic violence, with generous community members through our adopt a family program.
LGBTQ and Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence has no boundaries. It crosses all racial, ethnic, economic, and social lines including sexual orientation. Studies show that the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Questioning, and more) community experiences domestic violence just as much as heterosexual populations.
Easy Ways Men Can Help Combat Domestic Violence
At the Marjaree Mason Center we welcome the help and support of men looking to speak out against domestic violence and join us in our fight to stop it.
Domestic Violence & Children
Parents play a large role in a child’s physical, educational, and social-emotional development. An influential factor in all aspect of a child’s development is the quality and frequency of parent-child interactions. Children’s development depends heavily on positive emotional support and consistent and stable routine with a primary caregiver. Children exposed to domestic violence face increased risk of abuse and neglect. Exposure to traumatic events in the home have, often negative, life-changing effects.