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Holiday Cheer: Adopt a Family

For the past ten years, the Marjaree Mason Center has connected deserving men, women, and children affected by domestic violence, with generous community members through our Adopt-a-Family Program. This year, we are happy to report that we have increased the number of families we were able to adopt by 125%! In total, 99 family members were adopted.

The clients that benefit from this program are typically those with little or no money, and often unable to provide a holiday celebration for their family. The cause for this difficulty stems from the obstacles clients face when leaving their abusers. It is known that domestic violence is a learned behavior. Unfortunately it is common for victims to enter unhealthy relationships at a young age compromising some of the most formative years when they should learn healthy skills. Instead, they are faced with restrictions and an unhealthy lifestyle. With around 98% of domestic violence victims being a victim of financial abuse, they are not able to learn and exercise healthy money management. Things like being prohibited to have a job, limiting access to money, and having no authority over financial decisions, cripple the victim and making leaving especially difficult. When a victim does make that very difficult decision to leave for good, support from the Marjaree Mason Center can provide the link they need to become independent and live a healthy life.

When the holiday season rolls around, the community does their part in supporting victims as well! At the beginning of November, we at the Center, start to assemble our Adopt-a-Family program. First we ask the case managers to select the family they think is in need this holiday season. Once selected, the case manager sets a meeting and has the client fill out tags that prompt them to make two wishes and gather their clothing sizes. From there, our case managers fill out a form that asks them questions about why this family should be selected. Getting families who are in crisis to sit down and explain their wishes for the holiday season is sometimes a difficult task. Along with selecting the most deserving families, we want to make sure these clients will still be serviced by MMC during the holidays so we can deliver the gifts to them.

During the family selection process, we are also receiving phone calls and emails from community members who are seeking to adopt a family. Once all information is collected, we send the donor a form with all of the information. The donor then goes out and shops for the families' wishes. They thoughtfully wrap and deliver the gifts to the Marjaree Mason Center Administration Building, and we deliver the gifts to the clients!

Most times, we find the clients in tears of joy, so grateful for the gifts!

We would like to thank the following donors for their gift of adoption:

Allison Stoothoff and Family; Family of 2
Amila Roberts and Borgas Steel; Family of 3
Crystal Kelley and Family; Family of 2
Debbie Tramtham and Clovis Unified Speech Pathologists; Three Families of 2, Three Families of 3, & Family of 4
Janet and Ken Smith; Family of 4
Jason Lamborn and Family; Family of 6
Jennifer Hoekstra and The Bar Method; Family of 5
Jordan Esraelian and Lauren Pardini; Family of 4
Justin Taylor and Trish Sanchez of First American Title; Family of 5
Karen Waters; Family of 3
Kim Ridenour; Family of 4
Kristie Monteer and ASI Benefits; Family of 4 & Family of 6
Lauren Lessard; Family of 3
Lorena Vargas and Lazaro Salazar Law, Inc.; Family of 4
Melanie Reno and Pathology Associates; Family of 3 & Family of 2
Rebecca Shannon ; Family of 3
Roger Murillo and PanaPacific; Family of 4
Sandi Cecil and Pacific Western Bank; Family of 2
Sarah Ahmed and Interim Healthcare Of The Central Valley; Family of 2
Suzanne Schmidt and Pacific Supply; Family of 4
Sylvia Rocha; Family of 3
The Pearson and Wallis Families; Family of 4

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