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Moving On from your Abuser

If your safety plan includes staying in a safe house when you are ready to leave your abuser, you may have questions about how to prepare. We suggest reading this article, so you can think about which items and documents to bring.
The Marjaree Mason Center (MMC) has compiled some common concerns for victims of domestic violence. If you have a question not included below, please call 559.233.HELP and our crisis support team will assist you with inquiries specific to your situation.
I don’t have a car, how can I leave?
If getting to your vehicle upon fleeing is unsafe consider keeping money for the bus, a taxi, uber or a car service in an accessible place. This could be with a loved one, neighbor, a place only you know about, or just in your pocket. However, if you cannot safely access those funds get yourself to a fire station, police station, hospital, or other safe place (hyperlink) and the emergency personnel will assist you in contacting the MMC.
I was told MMC is only for women, and that only women with children can stay in the safe house.
This is false. Although the MMC does not house men in the safe house, if they are fleeing domestic violence we will find accommodations for them and their children, if applicable. Women with or without children are welcome to stay in our shelter.
I have a teenage son, can he come too?
We accept children, boys and girls, up to age 18.
- .What happens when I get to the MMC administration building?
Upon arrival you will meet with a Client Advocate (CA) who will talk you through the process of intake. Most importantly this is a time for you to be heard, to tell your story, and start to heal. Children are welcome, and we accommodate them appropriately.
I’ve spoken to a CA, now what?
The CA will assess your individual needs and develop a customized plan for you and your family, depending on your needs.
If I bring my children, will Child Protective Services (CPS) have to be called?
Seeking help from the Marjaree Mason Center is not automatic grounds for a CPS report. We examine everyone’s individual needs and only contact CPS when there is an imminent need, never before.
If the safe house is out of my children’s school district, will they have to be pulled out of school?
The Marjaree Mason Center makes every stride in working with your child’s school to keep their lives as consistent and normal as possible during their stay in our shelter. We work with you and the school to keep your child there, however if alternative schooling options are needed for safety reasons we offer those as well.
Is there childcare?
Yes, the Children’s Enrichment Center located in the Fresno safe house isn’t just a daycare, but a multifaceted therapy location for children and mothers to heal. Ending the cycle of domestic violence begins with the youngest members of your family, and the Enrichment Center begins their healing process. It’s also a fun place to just be a kid in a safe environment!
Will I get help with a restraining order? Divorce? Other legal matters?
We offer legal services to all our clients. Depending on your specific situation, the CA you are working with can accompany you to court, help draft restraining order paperwork and most importantly – explain the policies and procedures during the legal process.
Does the MMC have support groups or counseling?
Yes, while staying in our safe house either as an emergency (30 days) or transitional (up to a year) client, we advise you begin to participate in the healing process. This process is individualized and different for each survivor. We offer one-on-one counseling, group sessions and peer counseling.
What if the shelter is full?
The MMC doesn’t turn victims of domestic violence away. If our safe houses are full and you are fleeing domestic violence we will work to find you a place to go.
The staff at the Marjaree Mason Center will be with you every step of the way. Call our hotline at 559.233.HELP and let us help you begin your journey to safety and transformation.