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How to Prepare for a Smooth Transition
The time has come for you to leave your abuser. Congratulations for your courage! This is a huge step in the walk to recovery, and can be overwhelming when considering how to develop a safety plan and seek shelter.
Common questions can be: What should I bring with me? What can I do to make sure my children are safe? How can I make this transition easier for my children?
We have compiled a list of items that may be helpful to bring when fleeing domestic violence. However, in a dangerous situation the safety of you and your children is most important, and the Marjaree Mason Center will help in the collection of all your items if you are unable to access them. Never put yourself or your children in harms way by attempting to gather items if your environment is unsafe.
Not all situations are the same, nor are all victims, but the following list contains helpful suggestions. Consider your needs, and those of your children if applicable, and make a plan to stay safe.
- Driver’s license
- Birth certificate and children’s birth certificates
- Social security cards
- Financial information (bank accounts, credit cards, etc.)
- Clothing
- Prescription medications
- Children’s favorite toys, blankets or comfort items
- Children’s school supplies
- Snacks
- Photo albums
- Legal papers (such as a protective order, work permit, divorce or custody papers, passport)
- Emergency phone numbers (relatives and friends, local doctor/hospital)
- Extra set of house and car keys
- Pay-as-you-go cell phone
- Emergency money
- Hygiene items
Knowing what you need when you decide to seek a safe place can help the transition by being prepared. You might need all of these items, or only some, and maybe other items that aren’t listed will be important to you. Only you know your situation best. Consider your options and reach out to us at 559.233.HELP for assistance.