Stay Informed

Stay Informed

Creating a community free of domestic violence requires continual information sharing and dialogue. Stay connected with us through the information resources on this page and – please – share what you learn.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Here is how to get involved!

October marks Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time dedicated to shining a light on an issue that affects millions across the nation. Domestic violence impacts individuals and families from all walks of life, including many in our community. Fresno County ranks highest in per capita calls to law enforcement for domestic violence in California, according to the California Department of Justice.

Domestic violence can take on many forms, from physical and verbal abuse to emotional, sexual, and financial abuse. Breaking the cycle of abuse is crucial to prevent it from being passed on from generation to generation. According to the National Coalition against Domestic Violence (NCADV), more than 12 million women and men are abused by their partner each year.

The Marjaree Mason Center offers a safe place where survivors can begin to rebuild their lives. MMC provides shelter, support, and resources to help survivors and their children find a way forward.

This October, join the Marjaree Mason Center in raising awareness for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Together, we can advocate for change and support those in our community affected by domestic violence.

Download our calendar and guide to keep up with us on important information and updates!

DVAM Calendar

DVAM Guide

Important dates:

Things You Can Do at Home:

  • Talk to your teens or teenage family members/friends/ students about healthy relationships.
  • Make sure your teens know about consent.
  • Be a role model for healthy relationships (with your partner, friends, and family).

Things You Can Do at School:

  • If you are a teen in a Fresno County high school, you can apply to join the kNOw MORE® program to raise awareness and prevent teen dating violence.
  • Check if your school district has a policy on intimate partner violence or how to handle restraining orders on campus.

Things You Can do at Work:

  • Review your employee handbook to review your employer’s domestic violence policy and provide a refresher meeting and/or send a reminder email.
  • Order a window sticker from the Marjaree Mason Center that includes our hotline and place it at the entrance of your business.

Things You Can Do in the Government:

  • Call your representatives. Make sure the candidates you vote for will support legislation that protects survivors and funds safety and support programs.
  • Contact your school board for policies on teen dating violence.

Things You Can Do in the Media:

  • Do not refer to the Marjaree Mason Center as a “women’s shelter” (we provide services to survivors of all genders and sexual orientations).
  • Refer to MMC as a domestic violence agency.
  • Refer to people who experienced DV in the past as survivors—not victims.

Things You Can Do on Social Media:

  • ALWAYS ask if you can tag someone in a photo or post (you never know if the person you are with is being tracked by their current or former dating partner.)

In Your Life:

  • Consider volunteering, organizing a service project or donation drive, or purchasing items from the Marjaree Mason Center Wish List.
  • Consider making a financial contribution to the Marjaree Mason Center within your means, or sign up to become a monthly, recurring donor.
  • Sign up to receive the Marjaree Mason Center email newsletters, and download the Domestic Violence Awareness Month Guide full of resources on what to do when someone asks for help, things to say/not to say, understanding domestic violence, and more.

In addition to 24/7 crisis response and emergency shelter services, the Marjaree Mason Center holds weekly Legal Options classes, S.A.F.E (Survivors of Abuse: Free and Empowered) Groups, Domestic Violence Support Groups, Kid’s Groups, Parent Café and other community groups that are free of charge and open to the public.

To learn more about how you can get involved, visit or Follow us on our Social Media @marjareemasoncenter where we will be posting updates and important info all month long.

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