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Tips About Reporting Domestic Violence to Law Enforcement

When ready to call police victims have several questions about what will happen and what their rights are.
Here are some things to expect and know when reporting to police in Fresno County.
- Fresno County DOES NOT ask immigration status when responding to a call for help in a domestic violence incident. They encourage you to call for help, and will serve you no matter what.
- Try to remain calm when discussing the incident with the officer. Your feelings of anger or frustration are understandable but it will help expedite the situation if you address the facts in the calmest manner.
- Speaking of the facts – try to stick to them with the officer when reporting. Tell the whole truth, don’t minimize your fear and don’t leave out any details. Also remember any pictures or evidence of the abuse you have.
- Ask the officer for an advocate from the Marjaree Mason Center to contact you and begin your services with us immediately.
- DO NOT sign any documents you don’t understand or cannot read
- Let the officer know if there are weapons in the house, if your partner has strangled you, if they have any outstanding warrants or go by any other names than that given.
- Ask to be interviewed separately from your partner.
- Calling the police is not immediate grounds for CPS to be called as well. In some cases it could happen, but being a victim of domestic violence is not your fault, or the fault of your children, and in Fresno County the District Attorney’s task force is committed to ensuring victim protection.
Always remember, to receive services from the Marjaree Mason Center you do not need a police report, or a restraining order. We are here to help you at any point in your journey and we are always available at 559.233.HELP on our 24/7 confidential hotline.