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TEC Beads and MMC

On Christmas Eve, the Marjaree Mason Center received a wonderful gift. Eric and Tiffanie walked through our doors with a check and an incredible story...
"A few months back my son and I were watching football and the phrase "domestic violence" kept being used. Finally he looked at me and asked "what does that mean?" I gave him a brief explanation to which he responded, "why would someone do that?" That sat with me a bit. I have several family members who are survivors of abuse, and yet I still had no answers for my 11-year-old son.

My girlfriend's work usually does a donation, but decided not to this year. I knew she wanted to do something, so I offered up another option: let's make bracelets and sell them with 100% of the money going towards ending domestic abuse. We started making all black beaded bracelets with a single purple bead. The black symbolizing the darkness, the silence, and the bruises of both physical and emotional abuse; the purple being the color associated with domestic violence. We have created a few variations with other symbolism...some have a crystal bead added for hope, while others are white symbolizing a fresh start. All bracelets will include a purple bead. We are hoping that will start a conversation and get the dialogue going while earning money to donate.
TEC Beads have a passion for helping those in need. Born from that desire, their handmade bracelets are sold to help end domestic violence."
The Marjaree Mason Center has been the recipient of their very generous donation, but we also revel in the passion this family has put into joining our cause to end domestic violence. If you would like a bracelet of your own, visit TEC Beads Instagram page here. Bracelets start at $10 and can be purchased by emailing tecbeads@gmail.com.