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Sunnyside Bicycles Donates Bike for Human Trafficking Victim

We are so grateful to Sunnyside Bicycles for generously donating a bike to a very special client.
We have been working with a human trafficking victim for the last several months. Unfortunately, she was exploited by her spouse, but with some help from MMC she is making great progress in rebuilding her life. She is currently taking classes to help her prepare in passing the GED, but had a barrier that was making it difficult for her to get to class. There is no bus stop near her home, so she had a long walk to get to the nearest one. She mentioned to our MMC staff that she would like a bike so that she can ride a bike directly to school.
In the past, we have had great success in reaching out to our social media followers when we have a specific need. So, we posted a request on our social media channels and within minutes of posting, Sunnyside Bicycles contacted us to say they would like to donate a bike! They even dropped it off to our office on the same day, with a basket, lock and reinforced tires to prevent punctures -- wow! We are so thankful for such generous community partners like Sunnyside Bicycles. This donated bike will make such a big difference in the life of the client we are serving, we wish her much success in earning her GED and moving forward with her life.