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Orchard Supply Hardware Donates a BBQ Grill to Fresno Safe House

Last month, we received an incredible donation that is uniting our Fresno Safe House community -- a brand new 6-Burner Charbroil Barbeque Grill from Orchard Supply Hardware in Clovis! This donation is a huge victory for our agency. For years MMC staff has hoped for a barbeque donation to help prepare the plethora of food that we receive from our community, especially meats and vegetables. Unfortunately, due to the aging condition of our kitchen, cold storage and stove tops are limited, while an oven is nonexistent. This donation will allow us to distribute more perishable food items to our clients, while also promoting healthier eating habits like, cooking and limiting your intake of processed foods.
In addition to promoting a healthier lifestyle, this donation has also improved the social aspects of our shelter. For most of us, summer time often equates to barbeques, swim parties, and beautiful summer nights spent with loved ones. Unfortunately, for domestic violence victims seeking refuge this is a scenario they leave behind as they escape from their abuser. However, with this new donation outdoor cook outs are now a reality for those living in our Fresno Safe House! This barbeque fosters relationship by giving our clients an opportunity to bond with one and other, and help them realize that they are not in this alone.
The MMC staff and Fresno Safe House residents would like to thank Orchard Supply Hardware and the Clovis Store Manager, Frank Netto, for graciously donating the brand new 6-Burner Charbroil Barbeque Grill. We are completely humbled by their generosity and look forward to serving many meals to clients that stay with us for years to come. Please feel free to stop by the OSH store located at Peach and Villa to thank them for supporting a local non-profit!