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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Get Involved

The Marjaree Mason Center is marking the 30th annual occurrence of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) this October with a number of events and social media campaigns you can support to get involved and break the silence surrounding domestic violence.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month was created by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and began as an occasion titled “Day of Unity” which was held in October 1981. The Day of Unity soon grew into a week and in October 1987, the first National Domestic Violence Awareness Month was observed.
“Domestic violence continues to be an unspoken epidemic in our society,” said MMC Executive Director Nicole Linder. “By participating in Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we are pulling back the curtain and saying abuse is never OK.”
While we work to raise awareness about domestic violence and abuse in Fresno County year round, DVAM is a time when everyone can contribute to the cause to better the community.
Here’s how schools, organizations, businesses and YOU can get involved:
- Share MMC videos. MMC produced two PSAs to raise awareness about DV in recent years: one highlights the emotional trauma of DV and the other calls men to action to play a part in ending DV. Share them on Facebook and Twitter to start the conversation and point others to the services we offer in Fresno County.
- Go #MakeupFreeforMMC. Post a makeup-free selfie (group selfies are encouraged) on social media to raise awareness about domestic violence and refuse to cover up abuse. Use #MakeupFreeforMMC and tag @MarjareeMasonCenter.
- Here’s an example of what you can say to support the cause: I’m going #makeupfreeforMMC in support of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and @marjareemasoncenter. 1 in 4 women will face some type of abuse in their lifetimes. It’s on us to stop the shame and spread awareness. I challenge @exampleuser…
- Purple Thursday. October 19. Wear purple to raise awareness. Use #PurpleThursday and tag MMC!
- Understanding Domestic Violence and the Church. October 20, 2017, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at People’s Church. Julie Owens, a pastor’s daughter and a survivor of domestic violence, will discuss how the church can educate and support members. CEUs available. Register online at www.dvandthechurch.eventbrite.com.
- Donate. In one year, MMC provides services for over 5,700 adults and children. Your gift can make a difference in the lives of domestic violence victims. Visit mmcenter.org or call 559.237.4706 for more information.