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Marjaree Mason Center Featured on NBC’s Today Show

The Marjaree Mason Center is honored to be featured on a segment for NBC’s Today Show, which shares a story about their affiliation with Meathead Movers.
Our valued partnership with Meathead Movers allows victims of domestic violence to move into their own home and away from the violence. They provide free packing and moving services to our Safe House residential clients and greatly contribute toward helping our victims move forward and rebuild their lives.
Victims of domestic violence are faced with many barriers when trying to leave the abusive relationship and start a safe new life for themselves and their children. One of these barriers is the expense and logistics of relocating to a safe location. Luckily, with the free services provided by Meathead Movers, this is one less barrier that victims have to worry about. Lucianna Ventresca, Associate Director of Marjaree Mason Center says “We’re pleased that Meathead Movers has been recognized on a national level for their kindness and support, in moving victims of domestic violence from a dangerous situation into a safe place.” She added “The services they provide are integral to the process of healing and starting over for our clients.”
We would like to say a special thanks to the Today Show for including the Marjaree Mason Center in their story; Meathead Movers for their continued partnership and generosity, and Angela, our brave client that shared her story with viewers and participated in the opportunity to raise awareness of domestic violence on a national platform.