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Local Businesses Encourage Employees to Give to MMC

Marjaree Mason Center was invited to take part in Kaiser Permanente’s Annual Community Giving Campaign on November 1st. Each year Kaiser Permanente (KP Fresno) hosts this event to encourage their physicians and employees to make an impact on their local community by donating to their preferred non-profit. Recently, Aetna and PG&E also held similar events to educate their employees about non-profits they can support and MMC was honored to attend both events.
For the past 10 years, KP Fresno has had the highest percentage of participation in the Northern California Region. Over 20 local non-profit organizations attended the Annual Giving Campaign and shared information about their cause. Some of the agencies present included American Heart Association, Poverello House, and the Boys and Girls Club of Fresno. In addition to choosing their agency to support, this year all employees who attended the fair will also vote for their favorite organization who will receive an additional $2,500 donation. MMC is so thankful for the generous support it receives from businesses like Kaiser Permanente. If you are considering making a donation to our agency throughout the holiday season, don't forget to ask your employer if they match charitable gifts! For more information about donating to MMC, please visit: mmcenter.org/partner-with-us/donate