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Keep Cool with Fun Summertime Activities for your Family

Since domestic violence incidents rise during the summer, we’re sharing a list of activities that will keep you and your family entertained and cool during the upcoming months. Many activities are free or low cost, so you can enjoy spending time with your family without worrying about the expense.
- Fresno Splash Parks: These free splash parks include interactive water features, misters, and cascades providing refreshing water play for children. Splash parks are provided by the City of Fresno and use reclaimed water. All locations are open through mid-October from 9 am - 8 pm, except Tuesday when the locations are open 12 pm - 8 pm.
- Dickey Playground - 50 N. Calaveras Street, Fresno
- Figarden Loop Park - 4265 W. Figarden Drive, Fresno
- Todd Beamer Park - 9797 N. Maple Ave, Fresno
- Martin Ray Reilly - HWY 180 & Chestnut Ave, Fresno
- Inspiration Park - 5770 W. Gettysburg Ave, Fresno
- Fresno and Clovis Public Libraries: From toddler story time to family movie night, the libraries offer a variety of free programs for all ages. For more information or to check out the calendar of events, visit www.fresnolibrary.org
- Storyland & Playland: Unlock the magic of stories and experience fairytales coming to life at Storyland. Your children will enjoy train rides, exhibits and theater performances that include local storytellers, musicians, singers, dancers, magicians and more! Admission prices are as follows: Adult - $5, Children - $3.50, Senior - $4. Hours of operations are Wed - Fri: 10am - 4pm, Sat and Sun: 10am - 5pm. Visit http://www.storylandfresno.com for more information.
- Fresno Chaffee Zoo: Let your children explore the animal kingdom and learn through engaging exhibits including African Adventure, Sea Lion Cove, Valley Farm, Stingray Bay and Dino Dig. Admission prices are as follows: Adult - $10, $5.50 - Children and Seniors. Hours of operation are Sun - Thur: 9am to 6pm & Friday and Saturday 9am to 7pm. Visit http://www.fresnochaffeezoo.com for more information.
- Boomers!: Your family will enjoy the variety of indoor and outdoor things to do at Boomers! There is something for everyone including bumper cars, mini golf, go karts, laser tag, a rock climbing wall, game room and more! Hours of operation are Mon - Thur: 12 noon - 8pm, Friday and Saturday: 11am - 11pm, Sunday 11am - 8pm. Visit http://www.boomersparks.com/Fresno for more information.