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Kaiser Permanente Foundation Generously Donates Over 250 Halloween Costumes and Candy for our Safe House Children

Halloween is such an exciting time of the year! There is so much anticipation leading up to this special night when children get to dress up as their favorite character and spend a night out with their families. The joy of trick or treating around their neighborhood creates a long lasting memory for children.
Yet, experiencing holidays like these can be difficult for survivors of domestic violence. The cost of costumes can be overwhelming and discourage families from participating. Children are left disappointed and parents are left feeling like they have failed them. Fortunately, this year will not be the case for our safe house clients!
We are so grateful for the wonderful donation of over 250 costumes and treats for our client’s children. Thanks to Rachael Awad and Kaiser Permanete Health Care foundation, our children will have an opportunity to build a new happy childhood memory. We are looking forward to seeing all of these lovely costumes marching around as they collect many sweet treats! Happy Halloween!