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Creating a community free of domestic violence requires continual information sharing and dialogue. Stay connected with us through the information resources on this page and – please – share what you learn.

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H & R Block Gives Back

We are so excited to have awesome community individuals and organizations partner with us to support our mission and our vision. We have a wide variety of ways to help support our agency and some people get really creative.

We recently received an opportunity to partner with H & R Block!

Linda Rodie from H & R Block at Shaw and Minnewawa emailed us and said,

"I work for H & R Block and have made a pledge on the Meathead Movers #EndToDV website. H & R Block has a new program this year where we donate back to a 5013C nonprofit organization every time we complete a tax return for a new client."

If you're interested in giving back to us while also getting your taxes done, use our number 40010001085168 or this flyer when you go to H & R Block.

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