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Give Back This Holiday Season

Everyone deserves a safe place to call home, especially during the holidays. This holiday season, MMC will support hundreds of families as they navigate one of the most stressful times in their lives. You can help us support them, too. Here are a few ways you can give back this year to make the holidays special for families in need:
Donate. Donations are essential to help with funding our daily operations throughout the year, including the holiday season when utility bills increase. Our Safe Houses are usually at full capacity over the holidays as this is often a time of year when family stress piles up, finances are tight and these frustrations lead to violence at home. In a year, the Marjaree Mason Center serves over 5,700 adults and children affected by domestic violence and we are proud that 85 cents from every dollar goes directly to support our client services. You can support our efforts by making a donation online or mailing a check addressed to: Marjaree Mason Center, 1600 M Street, Fresno, CA 93721.
Trees of Hope. Through our Trees of Hope program, we ask the community to fulfill holiday wishes for those affected by domestic violence. Christmas trees are decorated throughout the community with holiday wish tags which include items that our clients have requested. Play Santa this holiday season and select a holiday wish tag from one of our trees. Please bring gift unwrapped with the holiday wish tag attached and deliver it to the TALK Team office at 1752 E. Bullard, #101 in Fresno during business hours by Dec. 18th, and make someone’s holiday wish come true! Special thanks to Amy Prince and PINC for all of their help in making this year's Tree of Hope program possible.
This year our Trees of Hope will be set up beginning November 20th, at the following locations:
Sierra Vista Mall
Edwards Theatre in River Park
Maya Cinemas in Campus Pointe
Host a donation drive. Marjaree Mason Center safe houses are consistently full during the holiday season. Help make sure our most needed items are continually stocked, allowing us to best serve victims of domestic violence. Some items that are constantly in need include brand new bedding and pillows, bath and hand towels, toilet paper, and gift cards to help clients shop for their families or get gas. If you or your group are interested in hosting a donation drive this holiday season, please contact us at (559) 237-4706.
Host a holiday fundraiser. Some groups or businesses – large and small - hold events of their own to benefit victims of domestic violence. For example, annual toy drives, children's Christmas parties, wine tastings, golf tournaments and hosted parties – all to benefit the Marjaree Mason Center. To host a fundraiser, you will need to fill out a fundraiser commitment form. Please call 559.237.4706 for additional information.