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Fresno Unified School District Middle Schools Kick Off the New School Year with MMC’s KNOW MORE Program

The Marjaree Mason Center will be expanding their KNOW MORE youth dating violence prevention program to include all 17 Fresno Unified School District middle schools starting August 15, 2016.
KNOW MORE is an evidence based curriculum program that allows students to empower themselves and their peers through knowledge and education of youth dating violence. The goal of this program is to educate youth on the long-lasting effects of abuse in adolescent relationships. It was originally rolled out to Fresno and Clovis area high schools as a forum for teens to speak to their peers and utilize drama, music, real-life situations and staggering statistics of abuse in teen relationships to demonstrate the seriousness of domestic violence.
The middle school program is funded by a generous grant from CalOES, which will sustain the program for three years with the possibility of reapplication. During the initial phases of this program in middle schools, KNOW MORE will strive to connect youth from various communities to advocate against dating violence; educate and empower adolescents to work toward a future free of domestic violence, and help students learn about resources should they find themselves or a peer in an unsafe situation.
As a part of the Marjaree Mason Center’s mission to prevent and end the cycle of abuse through education and advocacy, it is firmly believed that the key to breaking the cycle of abuse is to teach children about healthy relationships. By reaching out to middle school students; there is a great opportunity to train them on ways to handle conflict and communicate effectively before they begin getting into teenage relationships.
For more information visit the KNOW MORE website at knowmoremmc.org.