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Fresno Non-Profits Working Together

Recently, the Marjaree Mason Center was asked to participate in helping and learning about other non-profit organizations in Fresno. Partnership is an integral aspect of assisting those in need and Poverello House and Catholic Charities of Fresno are doing just that!
We learned so much about the services offered by Poverello House by taking a tour and participating in a focus group for their organization. The Poverello House not only feeds the hungry, but they provide healthcare, shelter as well as social services for those who seek their support. In addition to this, the organization provides a valued service to Marjaree Mason Center by providing meals at our Fresno Safe House.
At Catholic Charities, we had the opportunity to distribute fresh fruit and vegetables at their monthly Neighborhood Market. Catholic Charities also provides food pantry daily, senior companions to help the elderly, social services assistance and has a thrift store open to the public.
The Marjaree Mason Center believes in community empowerment alongside our fellow non-profits. We are grateful for the opportunities to support and encourage those in our community who are striving toward similar goals for our collective futures. Thank you to Poverello House and Catholic Charities!