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Common Domestic Violence Myths Debunked

There are many myths surrounding domestic violence. Some think that abuse only happens in certain types of households, others believe it's easy to escape and it's the woman's fault. These are usually due to a result of lack of knowledge and/or understanding about domestic violence. We firmly believe that the key to preventing future abuse is through education and advocacy, that's why we are sharing these common myths today and we encourage you to share this knowledge with others.
- Myth #1 - Domestic violence is not a community issue: Numerous studies conducted by national organizations have found that domestic violence costs the U.S. economy anywhere between $5.8 billion to $12.6 billion dollars a year. This range takes into account the cost of healthcare services, social and welfare services, counseling, police and criminal justice services and legal services.
- Myth #2 - Only happens in poor families or families of color: Higher annual income or being a particular race does not protect an individual against victimization. Domestic violence crosses all class lines, cultures, and race.
- Myth #3 – The victims provoked the violence: The abuser is completely responsible for his/her actions. Abusers try to deflect the responsibility by blaming the victim for the abuse. Just remember that abuse is never warranted in any situation
- Myth #4 - Alcohol and/or drugs are the cause: Alcohol and drugs are not the cause of domestic violence. However, alcohol and drugs go along with violence, and often times can escalate the abuse substantially.
- Myth #5 - They would leave if bad enough: Just because the victim stays in the relationship, does not mean that they believe the situation is okay. There are multiple barriers that prevent victims of abuse from leaving, including threats, not employed, no money of their own, shame, religious beliefs, and isolation. Check out our previous post of the cycle of violence to find out why it can be difficult for victims to leave an abusive relationship.
- Myth #6 – Domestic violence is a private matter and it is none of my business: It is our responsibility to watch out for one another. If you witness domestic violence, you must say something – before it is too late.
As always, Marjaree Mason Center is here to help you or someone you may know who is experiencing domestic violence through our 24/7 confidential hotline (559.233.HELP).