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Attention: Moms and Dads – You Need to be Informed About Youth Dating Violence, Read on!

Did you know? One in four young people report emotional, physical or sexual abuse from a dating partner each year. That means you or your child have probably come in contact with someone experiencing abuse from their boyfriend or girlfriend. Of those young people, nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year.
These statistics are just a few of the many challenges facing our youth today. Dating violence isn’t an easy conversation to have and can feel overwhelming for many parents. But, the best approach is to talk and listen -- acknowledge that youth intimate partner abuse happens, teach them about healthy relationships and share resources with them. Keeping the conversation open is key to helping your child, or their peer, through a situation they aren’t ready to navigate.
Parents can also look out for a few warning signs if their child is involved with someone abusive, some of these warning signs can include:
- Child is quick to anger when usually mild tempered
- Extreme jealousy from partner
- Drastic change in behavior; for example: a normally outgoing child has now become completely withdrawn from friends, activities and school
- Child begins to dress differently; for example: wearing loose clothing because their partner doesn’t like them to show off their body or attract the attention of someone else
- Child is constantly on the phone and worries if they can’t contact their partner back immediately for fear their partner might become upset
- Child exhibits fear of partner
If you feel that your child, or their peer, is experiencing intimate partner violence, verbal abuse, mental/psychological or emotional abuse call our 24-hour hotline at 559.233.HELP. Our advocates can help create a plan for you to address the situation with your child and keep them safe from harm.