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All About Our Legal Department

This month we are are featuring blog posts about our Legal Department here at the Marjaree Mason Center. We are proud to offer many services to those effected by domestic violence, and empower their transformation. Here is how our legal team facilitates that change through their services.
Legal Options Class
This class is free and open to anyone seeking a restraining order due to domestic violence. This class is only offered in English, yet separate accommodations can be made for non-English speakers. This class is held every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. at 1600 M Street in Fresno. It is first-come-first-serve so please come early and no children please.
Court Accompaniment
The court process can be overwhelming for those seeking a restraining order but our victim advocates will attend court with clients to obtain that restraining order and help guide them through the process.
E.S.C.A.P.E. (Empower Support Care Advocacy Prevention Education) Program
This program offers services to minors and adults who are looking to leave the commercial sex industry. The program focuses on improving self-empowerment while supporting the individual in making healthier life style choices. Clients are met with individually and the topics are tailored specifically to their needs.
Human Trafficking Assistance
Marjaree Mason Center is involved with assisting victims of human trafficking through case management, support, and resources.
The legal department at the Marjaree Mason Center reaches out to educate the community as often as they can.
A few things to know:
Restraining orders are free
Just because you get a restraining order for you, against your abuser, doesn’t mean they won’t be able to see your children. However, if you need to add the children to the restraining order that is possible as well.
Receiving Services at MMC
Anytime a victim seeks services at the Marjaree Mason Center, we listen. For the legal department that means that even if there is no police report of any kind, they can still be of assistance to you. A police report, restraining order or other legal document is not necessary to receive services. We are here to help you at any point in your journey and we are always available at 559.233.HELP on our 24/7 confidential hotline.